10 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Ways to Boost Your Immune System

We could all do with a bit of a helping hand fighting off bugs and illnesses sometimes, our immune systems are the key to good health and maintaining a level of overall wellbeing. Here are 10 ways to boost your immune system right now.

1. Get Some Quality Sleep

It’s true – research shows the more time your body takes to relax and recover, the readier it is to fight illness.

2. Avoid Refined Sugars

Refined sugars are – let’s face it – pretty bad news.  You’ll find them in all kinds of artificial foods and drinks.  The fact is, they can actually do more damage to your body than good.  If you’re going to eat any sugar at all, stick with the natural kind, such as that which you’ll find in fruits.

3. Eat Healthy Fat

Not all fat is bad.  We all need some fatty acids in our daily intake to fight against pathogens.  Eat plenty of nuts, pulses and foods such as avocados to boost your healthy fat levels.

4. Stay Hydrated

Your body needs water.  It’s what we are mainly made out of!  You should be drinking around two litres a day, on average, though it may vary depending on your body profile and age.  Ward off illnesses just by drinking water – it’s free!

5. Eat More Plant Based Foods

Research shows, again and again, that a plant based diet will fortify your body against free radicals and nasty bugs.  Tuck into some greens if you want to bring your A-game to the fight against viruses.

6. Stock up on Supplements

Supplements are great for topping up when you need to.  For example, if you are not getting enough Vitamin C or Vitamin B complexes in your diet, it’s worth taking a few additional supplements to boost your immunity.  However, you shouldn’t ever take these in place of a balanced diet, which you’ve likely heard before.

7. Choose Probiotics

Research is ongoing as far as probiotics are concerned, but much of the word is good.  Probiotic food and drink actively introduces bacteria into our bodies which can regulate harmful micro-organisms.  Again, it’s worth taking a few as a top-up.

8. Keep Fit and Active

Of course, keeping healthy means keeping an active body and mind.  You don’t have to overdo it, of course – just take up moderate exercise, such as gentle walking, and make sure to keep your mind healthy, too.  Yoga is a great way to keep your mind and body in check.

ways to Boost Your Immune System

9. Lower Your Stress

Ok – this is easier said than done, but your body’s immune system is going to crash hard if you are constantly getting stressed or anxious.  Make sure to take plenty of time out for yourself. Take walks, breathe deeply, and practice mindful meditation.

10. Ditch the Booze

It’s never good to drink too much alcohol at any one time.  However, dropping booze altogether might actually help to bolster your immune system.  Studies show that heavy drinking could lower your resistance to viruses. Maybe it’s time to start thinking about not drinking – give a dry run a go, perhaps!

Mountains & Macros
Mountains & Macros